Matthias Schmidt / 2005/08/11 / 10:51 PM wrote:

>Hiro San,
>get yourself a Japanese Keyboard. It has these convenient additional keys
>left from the spacebar saying 英語 (English) and right from it saying か
>な (Kana).
>Just press English in any case. I made it a habit ... mostly ;-)

I couldn't believe you can deal with JP keyboard!  I would be so
frustrated with unintuitive key layout and that tiny space bar!

By the way, here is another PM problem (boy, I am keep adding!) that
whenever English message contains UTF-8 entry such as this one, the
message letter spacing gets so tight which makes it so difficult to read.

Do you know why PM does this?  I played with different fonts to no
avail.  There are some people who like to use UTF-8 character in his/her
sig, and even though the body is all English it makes message so hard to
read, and I wish there is any way to stop PM doing this.  Any idea?


- Hiro


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