On Mar 18, 2005, at 2:18 AM, Michael Lewis wrote:

> Lastly, the real reason I'm replying, don't throw away that SpamSieve
> license. You might be able to transfer it over to SpamSieve for Mail. I
> don't know how robust the junk filter is in Mail. I have a few clients
> who use it and it seems to do well, however, SpamSieve does have a Mail
> version so some people must find SpamSieve still a useful add-on.

There's actually a single SpamSieve version (and license) for all the 
supported mail programs. So if you bought SpamSieve with PowerMail, you 
can continue to use it with Apple Mail; and if you already have 
SpamSieve, you don't have to buy it again if you switch to PowerMail. 
The training data is shared among all the mail clients.

Michael Tsai                                 <http://c-command.com>

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