Giovanni Andreani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> First: I'm one of those who filters incoming spam by applying rules. The
> problem now is that the phenomenon is increasing in volume and I would
> like a software to help me do the job: how efficient is SpamSieve in
> doing this?

SpamSieve has a quantified way of measuring its own efficiency. On my
machine it has been consistently more than 97% for two years, and is
98.6% right now (i. e. if you buy my address somewhere and try to spam
me, you have 1.4 chance out of 100 to bother me -and if this happens it
will be only once, since the bayesian filters *learn*)

remove ".listes" and add a dot after fh please
enlevez ".listes" et ajoutez un point après fh

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