Am 13.12.2004 hat [EMAIL PROTECTED] geschrieben:

>First: I'm one of those who filters incoming spam by applying rules. The
>problem now is that the phenomenon is increasing in volume and I would
>like a software to help me do the job: how efficient is SpamSieve in
>doing this?
It is very efficent.

>Second: I've got about 400 email addresses of spammers active in the last
>twelve months. Is there any use if I propose to share them with the
>members of this community? And is this possible for the moderator of this
No need. What for?
SpamSieve detects it in a short time.
Better you tell-it to <>

>Third question: I'm looking to purchase a list of email addresses for
>commercial advertisement; can you eventually indicate a serious company
>who provide such lists?
Anybody who sells email-addresses can't be serious at all!
Because there exists no register of email-addresses (different to post-
or phone-addresses), ALL of them are private!

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