Hello Hiro,

>>I am still getting frequent messages to rebuild my search index and every
>>time I quit and reopen PM v 5.0.2, even though I have done it several times.
>As I mentioned before, you most likely have corrupted message or two in
>your database.  You need to find it and eliminate it.

Yes, you did. And I will do this if anyone has any suggestions as to how
to find or recognise a corrupted message.

Suppose I try to open all the messages received or sent since the trouble
started. What, if anything, will happen when I try to open a corrupted one?

>>If the freezing occurs when I am away from my desk, the screensaver might
>>kick in and then won't go away. I have to do a hard computer shut down
>>and restart. I'm not yet entirely convinced though that this freezing is
>>caused by PM because it sometimes happens when PM is loaded but not being
>>used. Has anyone else experienced it?
>I doubt PM can cause that.  PM rather crash itself.  On the other hand,
>you might have some other issue with your hardware or hardware driver
>related application problem.  After the freeze, if you open system.log,
>you might find the last entry before the freeze.  Under Jag, you can find
>system.log at /Var/log/.

I doubt that PM is the culprit either. But where exactly is system.log or
/Var/log/. Neither shows up under File/Find. I hope you're not suggesting
I use Terminal 8^)

After sending my last message, I quit PM to do some other work. I just
restarted to find that all the received messages unread before the quit
had nothing in the body of the message, including a digest message from a

Troubles are piling up faster than I can fix them. I've even stopped some
of my routine backups to avoid backing up my problems with everything else.

Thanks for the help,

-- Frank Mitchell, Scottsdale, Arizona

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