Hello Steve

>>There were two buttons - "Later" and "Do It Now". I clicked on "Do It
>>Now" - the message disappeared but nothing else happened !!
>When PM was acting up really badly on my system this happened to me to. 
>It also rebuilt things and then would do it again the next time I loaded
>PM, even though I had no error messages or crashes in the mean time.  It
>was all very frustrating to me because I knew I had a problem of some
>sort but the repairs didn't seem to fix it.
>If you are running under 10.2.8 make sure you aren't using non-MacOS
>sounds for functions like sending and receiving email.  The defaults are
>PM's custom sounds, so if you have not changed these manually to MacOS
>sounds you should.  This was the #1 cause of my problems.

Thanks for the response, Steve.

I am using 10.2.8 but I disabled ALL sounds in both the Prefs/General and
Prefs/Notifications two weeks ago (14 Nov to be exact) at Jerome's
suggestion. I just checked again and they are still disabled.

I have another computer problem (not related to PM I don't think) and had
to do a restart a few minutes ago. When I reopened PM it told me...

"Can't open the index file
You should rebuild the search index."

When I clicked OK, PM opened. I then tried to quit PM to try again but
got the message...

"An error occurred while closing user's files
Uncaught exception type"

...and PM wouldn't close.

I had to Force Quit PM. Reopened PM and went throught the above again,
including the Force Quit.

This time I reopened PM with Option+Command and performed the first five
repairs yet again (I had already done this earlier today).

While typing this message another screen has just popped up telling me
"the sort indexes need rebuilding" then it disappeared of it's own accord.

But I just quit and reopened PM with no problem.

To complete the picture, my computer has started behaving queerly in
general over the past couple of days. I'm beginning to suspect some new
software I installed recently. I may uninstall it again to see if things
clear up.

Thanks again,

-- Frank Mitchell, Scottsdale, Arizona

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