
recently I had a simular situation. It's the vm file for the virtual memory.
Some programs don't manage memory well, in my case it was the camera software.
Quitting the program solved the problem.
I also suspected Powermail having a memory leak, but meanwhile I think I
was wrong.

All the best


iChat/AIM: MatKoyasan
Tel. +81-736-56-3905
Am/On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 07:41:41 +0200 schrieb/wrote Olaf Drümmer:

>just was about to compact my database, but get the message "The disk is
>almost full.   There is currently 2048 MB free, and compacting requires
>about 2049 MB." and cannot go on and compact.
>The actual disk space available is roughly 3.5 GB.
>I believe this is a bug in PowerMail (signed 32 bit integer is just about
>2048 MB, and it seems PowerMail just can't deal properly with something
>above this).
>Does anyone have an idea how to work around this bug?
>PS: Using PowerMail 5.0 on OS/X 10.3.4
>Olaf Druemmer | Managing Director
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