Am 5.7.2004 hat [EMAIL PROTECTED] geschrieben:

>>these things usulay work:
>>make sure zou have only one copy of SpamSieve on your hard drive
>>make sure this copy is in the application folder.
>Thank you.  I had spam sieve as a subfolder in the PowerMail folder.
>Moving it to its own location in the application folder solved the problem.

It helps perhaps for a little while only.
With one of the next start-up you'll will get the same question again:
"Where is SpamSieve".

What REALLY helps is:
Shut down SpamSieve (and PowerMail).
Erase the file:
And the folder
user/Library/Preferences/Application Support/SpamSieve

Restart SpamSieve. You need to declare the Serial Number again! (Menu
SpamSieve: Purchase: Name & Serial Number)
Renew the preferences (Menu SpamSieve: Preferences).
Shutdown SpamSieve.

Restart PowerMail.
Go there to the folder Spam. Activate all Spam-Mails at once (Command +
A) and mark all this mails as Spam (even if they are marked as Spam
allready) --- now SpamSieve will open in the background and learn again
your Spam-marks.

That's it.
From now SpamSieve will open in the background as it did with PM 5.0

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