This is something that has worked for me in the past. What i do is a good
message below it i select this messgae. Then using the shift key i select
the bad message  which has both messages selected so neither one is
displayed. Then i move them both to the trash. Then i go in and get the
good message back. By having the used a message below the bad message PM
won't try to display the bad message. then i empty the trash without ever
trying to do anything with the bad message. It's sort of convuluted but
it seems to work for me.


>Bill Stecher / 04.6.24 / 9:14PM wrote:
>>Help! I have an email which crashes the program when I click on it. How
>>do I get rid of it??
>Since you get instant crash, mine might be different from yours, but
>I have been fighting with this for two weeks now.  One message gives me
>memory error when clicked.  I never turn HTML option.  This message is 1
>year old.  I can't delete it.  If I try to delete it, PM vm jumps into
>2.5GB and gives me memory error.  PMSalvage app didn't work out for me. 
>I am totally out of option right now.
>- Hiro

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The more impatient the user.

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