Gerald F. Carroll / 04.6.25 / 1:02AM wrote:

>This is something that has worked for me in the past. What i do is a good
>message below it i select this messgae. Then using the shift key i select
>the bad message  which has both messages selected so neither one is
>displayed. Then i move them both to the trash. Then i go in and get the
>good message back. By having the used a message below the bad message PM
>won't try to display the bad message. then i empty the trash without ever
>trying to do anything with the bad message. It's sort of convuluted but
>it seems to work for me.

Thanks for your response.

It doesn't work in my case.  I still my DB index is the screwed.  When I
try to delete this message, index must find it but it can't so PM starts
to cache (array?) to the data boundary, which causes memory error.

By the way, you don't need to do above trick for your situation.  If you
click-drag immediately, PM will move the message without trying to
display, nor making it unread.  I do this all the time :-)


- Hiro


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