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In the prefs, unselect view HTML. From the 3 pane view there will be a
little globe icon at the bottom. If you click on this icon the HTML
message will open in your browser.

Complex email doesn't play well with PM's old HTML viewer.

Andy Fragen

On Thu, Apr 22, 2004, Bill Stecher said:

>Help! using PM 4.2.1, and OS 9.2.2, I received an email from PayPal Visa,
>which freezes the program when I single-click on it, so that I can't
>trash it. This outfit has sent me a fraudulent notice every day for six
>weeks notifying me that my acccount will terminate if i don't resubmit my
>credit info. That's merely annoying; the dead email makes me furious. Any
>Bill Stecher

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