gunnar madsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've been in contact with Jerome, and worked out, to my satisfaction, a
> solution.  It may not apply to all of you...
> The problem filter was "To or cc" "Does not use your real name".  It
> turns out that roughly half of the spam coming to me used my name in the
> address, and so roughly half the spam was not being identified.  Since I
> deleted the problem filter, spamsieve's performance has been nearly flawless.

Thank you Gunnar, I did also remove the condition related to my real
name quite a while ago. I am now running only on the two criteria "not
in adressbook" and "not in recent", the effect of last one being
inverted AFAIK.
What strikes me is, during all the beta releases and maybe even a while
at the beggining of PM5, it was not. I still wonder wether there is
somewhere a prefs file I didn't rebuild...
Does anyone knows where these filter settings are stored?


remove ".listes" and add a dot after fh please
enlevez ".listes" et ajoutez un point après fh

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