Hi Mathias,

Thanks for your reply.

>Bok ;-)


>I also had the white Lady bug, but it's gone since a long time, at least
>it didn't appear anymore since I use PM5. So, what I would suggest is
>doing a rebuild of the Indexes. As far as I understood this bug, it came
>from Apples Search engine and that one is not used anymore.

You must be lucky!
After reading your reply, naturally I did once again index rebuild and
"old story goes on...": I get Memory Error (class:std, what=1, when=100)

I didn't get impression PowerMail was using Apple search engine, instead
I thought it used FoxTrot. But, I can be wrong.

Anyway, in my case PM5 shows exactly the same behavior as PM3 and PM4 in
terms of white lady...

I will try later on to do again low level database rebuild and then to
rebuild indexes as the last resort... I will report on the result.

It may be of relevance to point out that my mail database is rather large
- it's in excess of 13.000 messages (I did erase few thousands first time
I experienced white lady, hoping that reducing database size would help)

>Regarding your accents, my wife is Croatian and communicating with people
>in Croatia with PM and she didn't told me about any problems.

"Normal" people are "ascends aware" and don't use ascends in their e-mail
communication. It's become a sort of good manners. So, those who've been
using e-mail for years never use ascends around here. So, that can't make
any problems. However, more and more people are nowadays starting using
ascends... In my case, this creates havoc with PM.

>You have a new feature in PM5 for received messages: you can change the
>encoding. This you find under the message menu.
>The other thing you can do is setting messages with unknown encoding to
>win1250 under the preferences and the encoding tab.

Tried all sorts yesterday before making the post - I harassed a friend
whole morning yesterday, experimenting with sending and receiving mails
with different encoding (of course, I was experimenting with various
Latin code pages and Unicode options, no Arabic or Hebrew or Japanese or
Chinese) with varying results but none of which could be called a
success: As I said in my original post, received mails sometimes are ok,
sometimes are scrambled but without mistake my outbound replies to mails
containing ascends are received on the other side either as Japanese or
as blank message.

>I observed 2 things:
>Some Windows mail clients don't set the encoding in a proper way (some
>even don't set any at all) and most of the mail clients in the windows
>world don't decode Unicode in a proper way or not at all.
>PM is Unicode also there are some restrictions mainly for Hebrew and Arab
>Languages because of the used Text-engine.

This, of course, can be true - I haven't been exploring Windows mail
clients in a while - ever since I switched to Mac 4 years ago. :-)))

However, what I am experiencing with PM does not show PM being successful
in Unicode implementation either. :-(

Personally, I have no problem with Latin2 as I am quite used not to use
ascended characters but frankly, more and more people are using ascends
in their e-mails and that creates problems for me.

I was even silently observing paradox situation where Apple who was the
first to come with support for all sorts of different languages was
lagging with OSX  and support for Croatian language until they adopted
Unicode (and now it works very good even cross-platform).

It may be that every other mail client in this world is doing things
wrong and that PM is absolutely right. However, in situation when every
other clients "talk" to each other ok, PM, even if it is perfect, turns
to be faulty.

Btw, Apple Mail does not exhibit this behavior thus this isn't mac-pc
problem. So, even if PC mail clients do interpret code pages incorrectly,
why don't they do this with Apple Mail? (for that matter, I dislike Apple
Mail - it can be functional for my child but certainly not for me)

Best regards,

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