>Some intense HTML messages are then unreadable if this turned off.
>Are you listening Jerome?

Problems with displaying non-conforming or complex HTML in PowerMail are
well-known.  While requiring an extra step, it's still very easy to work
with PM despite this.  The workarounds, until PM itself gets a more
robust HTML rendering engine, are:

1)  Turn off the HTML engine (uncheck "Enable HTML Reader") in the
Preferences.  Use the globe icon at the bottom of the message window to
display HTML messages in your browser of choice.  (Jerome:  How about an
option to AUTOMATICALLY display HTML messages in the default browser when
selected, thereby saving one click?)

2)  If most of your HTML mail displays just fine, and you don't want to
disable the internal reader, you still run the risk of a hang on some
messages (almost always spam).  When that occurs, force-quit PM, restart
it, and then ctrl-click the problematic message and select "Move to Mail
Trash."  This allows you to kill the offending message without hanging PM.

If the message is something you simply must view, turn off the HTML
reader and click the globe icon.  Alternately, if there's a way to get PM
to save a message as a text file WITHOUT attempting to render it first
(anybody have any ideas?), doing that and dragging the saved file to a
browser should do the trick.

While I'm sure Jerome & Co. are working on this oft-mentioned
shortcoming, from what I understand, integrating the Safari engine into a
Carbon application, as is often suggested, is not an easy task, if
possible at all (I'll let the more skilled programmers in the group
comment on this).  And I'm sure, as Jerome has already stated here, that
rewriting PM as a Cocoa app from the ground up would entail more costs
than benefits.


Scott T. Hards
HobbyLink Japan (www.hlj.com)

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