On Wed, Apr 14, 2004, the following words from Riva Freifeld
[EMAIL PROTECTED], emerged from a plethora of SPAM ...

>cheshirekat on Sat, 10 Apr 2004 02:32:34 -0600 wrote:
>> I currently have 67 folders and 81 filters and can't use any email
>> program for more than a few minutes without setting up at least a couple
>> dozen folders and filters. 
>I would have many more folders than I do now, if it were possible to sort
>them the way I want to.   I seem to recall that with the old Emailer, all
>you did was  drag each folder to the position you wanted it in.  
>Anyway, add that to my wish list.

I manage to sort my email folders in PowerMail by the way I name the
folders. Important stuff gets an underscore at the beginning of the name,
like _Apple, _NYTimes and _Receipts. Mailing lists all begin with List;
ListPowerMail, ListAppleScriptUsers, ListCW, ListPalmMac and ListX-11.
Friends are grouped together; FriendBob, FriendSandraL and FriendRon.
FamilyMom, FamilyUncleTed. Some folder names start with a z or zz so they
sort at the bottom of the folder list. In Emailer, I used to have a bunch
of AppleScripts that filed messages that I sent to myself from work, or
via webmail based on the first part of the subject so I learned to make
sure the important folders were always at the top. I frequently used
Emailer to keep track of contacts, unconfirmed appointments or To Dos by
starting the message with something like !_!Reminder,  !_!ContactInfo or
!_!Stat. The folders at the bottom of the list I didn't have to even
glance at but once in a while. PM makes that system difficult since the
Trash is at the bottom of my list, so I have to check to make sure my
legit mail didn't get accidently marked as spam by one of my filters. I
wish all the default folders could be at the very top, as a group.

Being able to run AppleScripts in the Schedules would help immensely with
making PM the core of my computing also, but now that I moved from
desktop Mac to PowerBook and I also got a Palm, I haven't had to be quite
so creative about reminders, folder naming and sending myself email
subject triggers. I would rush home to check my email FIRST to see if
there was stuff that had been acted upon or filed based upon whether the
folder was bold. It seemed to happen too frequently that I'd get a new
phone or address update and didn't want to forget by the time I got home.
By sending myself email, I could avoid having scraps of paper that I'd
written hurriedly - and couldn't decipher later. I'm still finding phone
numbers and email addresses written on empty envelopes with just a first
name or meaningless note from a week-long conference I attended two years
ago when I didn't have computer access or a Palm.


Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca, writer and philosopher

* 867 PowerBook G4 * OS X 10.2.8 * 768 MB Ram *

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