At Fri, 9 Apr 2004 18:25:41 -0400 (CET), Tim Lapin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On   Fri, Apr 09, 2004  at  2:37 PM,   Frank Mitchell   sent forth:
>>Have a "File in after sending" popup menu in the outgoing message window
>>similar to that in the incoming message window.
>>Right now, to file his sent messages, the user has to open the Out Tray,
>>scroll to the desired folder, open it to show the sub-folder (if
>>necessary) and drag the Sent message into it. Then repeat this for every
>>message sent.
>>-- Frank Mitchell, Scottsdale, Arizona
>Not so.
>There are two options for automation available:
>1)  Use the "General" Preferences to set a default folder for sent mail.
>2)  Use filters to move sent mail to an appropriate folder.
>Now it is true that one-off choices are manual but I've found that those
>happen rarely, if ever.  Essentially all my outgoing mail is
>automatically moved to the appropriate folder and I can't recall a time
>when I couldn't classify my outgoing mail with a permanent filter.

The fact that one-off mails are rare for you doesn't automatically mean
they are rare for everybody else. I'm a musician, and I use one public
email address for all kinds of correspondance with fans, sponsors,
musicians, agents, composers who want us to play their work, concert and
festival producers etc. Now, as soon as some kind of steady contact is
established it's easy enough to create a special sorting filter for that
contact BUT the majority of my outgoing mails are "once and never again". 

A "file after sending" feature would hugely speed up handling this kind
of mails.

Max G 

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