At Sat, 10 Apr 2004 18:03:37 -0700 (CET), Frank Mitchell

>>>Right now I have 85 folder, 108 sub-folders and 74 sub-sub-folders. That
>>>makes a total of 267 today. There will be more in the future and they are
>>>constantly changing.
>>Maybe you have to think over your system of order .. :-)
>I would if my system didn't already work fine for me 8^D
>If it ain't broke I don't fix it!
>I won't bother explaining why I have so many folders - we all have
>different requirements and work a little differently.
>-- Frank Mitchell, Scottsdale, Arizona

Good comment. Whenever somebody asks for something PM can not do, this
list has a tendency to give you not asked-for advices about re-organize
your workflow or way of thinking. 

I really appreciate answers like "it can't be done, but maybe you can try
this..", like for instance once Hiro (at least I think it was Hiro)
suggested using personal "ascii codes" for filtering certain outgoing
messages. That's constructive.

But all these wise guy comments like this one regarding i.e. signatures...

> You can easily solve this problem by having just one signature.
> To each their own, but what is all this obsession people have with
> signatures?

...are non-constructive and often patronizing and badly thought-through.
I think it's pretty clear the general user level in this list is far past
beginner's level, and we should be able to discuss different issues
without being forced to "defend" particular ways in which we like to use
the application, as Frank points out. If looking for a way to solve a
particular -- and perhaps urgent -- problem, the last thing you need is a
"superior pat on the head", telling you your way of thinking isn't in
accordance with the high ideals of some self-appointed email procedure police.

I really love this list and its helpful and very active members. And I
have no problems with humorous comments and a good laugh either. But I
think we could spare ourselves some needless irritation if we could keep
more academic and philosophical discussions regarding email behaviour and
organization in separate threads instead of as direct answers to tech
help questions.

Max G

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