> As I export Traditional email to tab-delimited format I loose totally
> all my Chinese Words. What do I need to do to keep my db encoding
> intact so I can use it properly.

The "tab delimited" export format uses the system script encoding. So,
you must set your preferred language to chinese in the system
preferences, log out and in, then export to tab delimited format, to get
a file in mac chinese encoding.

I tried to follow your advice

Choose Traditional Chines in Panther as main language. Restarted, 
exported as tab while everything on my monitor was in Traditional 
Chinese, exported to tab my Mailboxes.
Before importing in File Maker Pro I took a look at the generated files 
(while still using Traditional Chinese) in Tex-Edit, Word, Text-Edit 
and the Chinese looked as plain garbage, while the Latin Words were 
However I imported in File Maker and there was no difference with the 
previous import using my Standard Settings.

> Although my date an time preferences in my Machine are Set to
> dd-mm-year, and I receive my mail in this format. while I export to tab
> delimited for FMP7 the date changes although my preferences in the FMP7
> are set to read as dd-mm-year.

I think the tab delimited format is always saved with the american date
format, so you need to use this format if FM to import it. You can
probably change the format after you have imported the data.

The tab delimited format wants one of the presets, so as I used 
Australian for the date (dd-mm-year) but 24 hours for the time The tab 
export gave indeed the American format for everything. I learned this 
Because the only Chinese part of my export was the date, which follows 
the Chinese standard : year-mm-dd (I didn't change anything in the 
system prefernce settings once choosing Traditional Chinese as main 

However I can always correct the date in FMP while my Chinese text 
simply refuses to appear no matter how I set the sys prefs-

What am'I doing wrong?


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