>Two Questions:
>Although I selected BIG-5 as my favorite language, more often than
>necessary the messages are unreadable although their origin is either
>Taiwan Yahoo or Hotmail Yahoo.  If I uncheck the BIG-5 option more
>messages are unreadable. How to solve this significant problem?

If you receive messages that have no charset information specified in the
header, you will be able to manually set the charset to use with version 5.

>Although my date an time preferences in my Machine are Set to
>dd-mm-year, and I receive my mail in this format. while I export to tab
>delimited for FMP7 the date changes although my preferences in the FMP7
>are set to read as dd-mm-year.

I think the tab delimited format is always saved with the american date
format, so you need to use this format if FM to import it. You can
probably change the format after you have imported the data.

>As I export Traditional email to tab-delimited format I loose totally
>all my Chinese Words. What do I need to do to keep my db encoding
>intact so I can use it properly.

The "tab delimited" export format uses the system script encoding. So,
you must set your preferred language to chinese in the system
preferences, log out and in, then export to tab delimited format, to get
a file in mac chinese encoding.

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   "PowerMail est le seul logiciel de mail que je connaisse qui soit aussi
    bien que Mail et Outlook réunis ET qui ne crée pas des clients captifs.
    Je suis étonné que personne sur MacGénération, où tout le monde semble
    défendre la liberté d'agir face au(x) monopole(s), n'ait mentionné que
    cette qualité-là est une nécessité qui devrait aller de soi."
  PowerMail user comment on www.macgeneration.com

         Download a demo version from www.ctmdev.com

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