computer computer artwork by subhash schrieb amMit, 31. Mär 2004 mit Absender [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>I would be interested to see it. This is the one, that sends eMails from Filemaker to Powermail, brings Powermail to the front and does nothing more. here you can add attachements, modifications and whatever you want. Then you can send the message from Powermail. As you see, my Filemaker database contains the fields "eMail Adresse", "Betreff" and "eMail Body", there you have to change the script, using the names of the similar fields in your Filemaker database. ------------- start of script ------------------ tell application "FileMaker Pro" set new_address to cell "eMail Adresse" of current record set new_subject to cell "Betreff" of current record set new_content to cell "eMail Body" of current record end tell tell application "PowerMail" activate set msg to make new message with properties {subject:new_subject, recipient:new_address, content:new_content} end tell ---------------- end of script -------------------- The next script sends the emails from Filemaker to Powermail, and Powermails sends the messages immediately in the background, while Filemaker stays in the Foreground and you can continue to work. ------------- start of script ------------------ tell application "FileMaker Pro" set new_address to cell "eMail Adresse" of current record set new_subject to cell "Betreff" of current record set new_content to cell "eMail Body" of current record end tell tell application "PowerMail" set msg to make new message with properties {subject:new_subject, recipient:new_address, content:new_content} send msg end tell ---------------- end of script -------------------- I would be glad, if this helped. Maybe someone can tell me, how to add the attachemant already in Filemaker, so that Powermail can send this also in the background. mit freundlichem Gruß, med venlig hilsen, med snill hensyn, parhain terveisin, met vriendelijke groeten, serdecznie pozdrawiam, con le considerazioni gentili, con respectos amables, com os melhores cumprimentos, avec mes salutations amicales and with kind regards Florian Fürst -- ====================== ff-musikbüro Florian Fürst Berlinickestr. 6 D-12165 Berlin Tel. +49-30-56739940 Fax +49-30-56739941 Mobil +49-179-9230923 eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED] Website ======================