[Wayne Brissette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 30.3.2004 um 14:44 Uhr:]

>In AppleScript you can simply use RETURN.

Ah, sure, I forgot!

>>2) How to set the account from which being sent?

>Tell application "PowerMail"

>       set msg to make new message with properties {account:"Earthlink",
>subject:Mail_Subj, recipient:Mail_Recips, content:Mail_Message,
>       send msg
>end tell

That's not possible in my case because I have to create the mail per
"open URL" mailto:.... otherwise FileMaker cannot talk to PM. I cannot
use the AppleScript from FM to create a new message because I have to
insert some variables from FM ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Jenseits von "als HTML speichern":
 Funktionelles WebDesign von Subhash
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