On 3/30/04, Bob declared:

>OK. Try this. Create new message. Subject field contains text "No
>Subject"; this text is highlighted, but lots of white showing through. If
>you deselect it and reselect it, it appears the same. 
>Wonder if it has something to do with LED since I see it on my TiBook?
>Only in PowerMail though. Hmmm.

I have to concur with Bob on this one. I never noticed it before, but
you're correct: The words "No Subject" are highlighted, but there is a
very thin but discernible white outline between the letters and the
highlight color. I don't see it anywhere else in PowerMail, such as when
I highlight the Subject of an email. Realistically, though, isn't this a
non-issue? I can confirm for you that, on my 12" iBook, there is that
blend of white and highlighting in that one field. Maybe our fearless
leaders at CTM Development can enlighten us concerning this harmless
little variance from an otherwise solid world.


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