>Wayne Brissette on 3/16/04 said
>>Adam de Zoete [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 stated:
>>>Hi all,
>>>Thanks for the comments. I've just tried the "Set Status to Sent" script,
>>>but it seems to only convert a message that is currently a Draft (i.e.
>>>not Read status).
>>>I'm probably going to have to experiment with redirecting, unless anyone
>>>knows whether it can be done through different Applescript.
>>>I've got thousands of messages to convert, so I was hoping redirection
>>>would be a last resort.
>>>Many thanks,
>>Try this:
>>      tell application "PowerMail"
>>              set MyMessage to current messages
>>              repeat with i in MyMessage
>>                      set TheStatus to (status of i)
>>                      if TheStatus is read then
>>                                      try
>>                                      set (status of i) to sent
>>                                      end try
>>                              end if
>>              end repeat
>>      end tell
>>I tried to test this, but the best I could do was set sent messages to
>>draft, and draft to sent. There is something special about messages and
>>how PowerMail determines what has been read and not read, draft and sent,
>>etc. And it doesn't seem to want to let you pick a status randomly.
>If you try to change something in a message you have received, it says,
>something like this is a received message, and gives the opportunity to
>copy it. Then when you duplicate the message you have the opportunity to
>save it as a draft. Could this be incorporated into an applescript? The
>trouble is that it seems you can't just copy the message, but that some
>change needs to be attempted within it before you get this question.
>But once the change is attempted, the message is duplicated, and you
>attempt to close it, you do get an option to save as draft; which then
>could be changed to sent.


Thanks but this method looses the date/time information.

Many thanks,


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