When saving a message as a draft, it's placed in the Out Tray. I'd like
to have it saved in special Drafts folder instead. But I can't figure out
how to do this automatically. I tried a filter...

  Status is Draft
  Move message into folder Drafts

...but it didn't help (no matter if I check both incoming and outgoing
messages). Even if I mark a draft and manually use the command "Perform
Filter" nothing happens. 

I guess a draft is neither an incoming nor an outgoing message, and
that's why the filter doesn't work. But on the other hand -- why do we at
all have the Condition "Status is Draft" then...?

Thanks for any help.
Max Gossell

Max Gossell
OSX v10.3.1
PowerMail 5.0a5
Dual G4 1.2 GHz / 1GB RAM

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