What's Butler?

Here's the shortened version of the "Open Attachements Folder" script
from Wayne's site.

tell application "PowerMail"
                set pmAttach to attachment folder
                tell application "Finder"
                        open folder pmAttach
                end tell
end tell

Andy Fragen
TiBook 400/384 RAM - OS X 10.3.2 - PowerMail v4.2.1
PowerMail AppleScript Archives: http://homepage.mac.com/wayneb/powermail.html

On Sat, Feb 21, 2004, Thomas Andersson said:

>Zeph Bender skrev:
>>Most, but not all, of the attachments which come with messages
>>are no longer showing up in the lower portion of the email window.
>>I can get to them -- if I know they're there -- in my Attachments
>Same here. I got tired of the détour, so I installed Butler and now I
>have a PowerMail symbol in the menu bar which gives me direct
>access to the application folder where the downloaded attachments
>reside. Very handy.
>Thomas Andersson

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