On Wed, Feb 4, 2004 at 8:01 PM, "Evan Evanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Has anyone gotten this to work - I've been trying to keep SpamSieve-
>tagged spam from showing up in the Recent Mail browser, and supposedly
>making this change to SpamSieve's "Move Mail" script will move it to the
>trash, thus taking it out of the Recent browser, then move it to the Spam
>folder (I do want things to go into the Spam folder - every couple of
>weeks I go through it to see if anything inadvertently got tagged as spam
>before deleting all spam). But properly properly identified and labelled
>spam is still showing up in the Recent browser.
>I've checked w/ Michael Tsai, SpamSieve's author, and he's stumped. Has
>anyone come up with an alternate way of doing this?
>Evan Evanson

I've tried the usual approach as suggested by Marlyse and others and it
never worked reliably for me. I forget the exact problem now - it was
either that it never worked under any circumstance, or only worked when
actually receiving the email but not at all when invoked via running a
filter or script later.

I need a reliable way to have messages not appear in the RMW. (CTM
listening?) The ideal approach IMO would be to have in filter setup
either a new action, or another checkbox just under the description
field, called "Exclude from RMW", which just like it sounds would exclude
the email message if it met the filter criteria from appearing in the RMW.

What I created, and works in every situation, is an AppleScript called
"RMW Hide". It's saved as an application with the "stay open" option. The
source is:

on RMW_Hide(msgID)
        tell application "PowerMail"
                set theTrash to mail trash
                        set theMsg to message id msgID
                on error
                        set theMsg to 0
                end try
                if theMsg is not 0 then
                        set origFolder to theMsg's storage
                if origFolder is not theTrash then
                                    move theMsg to theTrash
                                    move theMsg to origFolder
                end if
                end if
        end tell
end RMW_Hide    

From my SpamSieve scripts and other scripts that I have, I added the
following snippet (between the comment lines) to then call the "RMW Hide"
AS application:

tell application "PowerMail"
        set msgs to current messages
        repeat with m in msgs
  -- do a bunch of processing here
                set msgID to m's ID as number
                ignoring application responses
                        tell application "RMW Hide" to RMW_Hide(msgID)
                end ignoring
        end repeat
end tell

Further, this simple code above can be saved as an AppleScript itself and
used either from filter actions or from the AppleScript menu in PM.

This 2-phase approach (app + script), while it may not meet the needs of
everyone, works reliably and very quickly every day for me in every
situation. Feel free to contact me off-list for additional questions.


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