Received from Bob Parks on 30/4/03 at 3:43 pm

>I am using SpamSieve to deal with all my incoming spam. The program is by
>far the best I have tried, with no significant false positives, so I
>would like to modify its AppleScripts so that when it files a message in
>the spam folder, it also removes it from the "Recent Mail" browser
>window.  Is there any way to do this?
>I know I can set up the script to file the spam in the "Mail Trash", and
>then it does not show up in recent mail, but that clutters my trash
>folder (which I occasionally have to pull messages out of), with  spam
>that I dont want.
>I am also not quite willing to permanently delete the spam, since I do
>not want to risk losing a good message by accident. 


You're right about the move-to-trash option removing the message from the
recent mail window. I know that it's not quite what you were after but if
you have the script move the message to the trash and THEN move it to the
spam folder you'll have the effect that you want, albeit not in the most
efficient or elegant way. However, I'm not an applescript guy so I can't
recommend much more than that. Probably someone else will though, which
makes me wonder why I typed this at all ;-)

Hope this helps;

G4/500 MHz (DP)  ::  OS 10.2.4  ::  PM 4.1.2  ::  3 pane mode  ::  768 MB RAM

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