I have now (apparently) successfully setup my PM database as Marlyse
suggested. This does indeed appear to work, both Mac can access and use
the database. Thanks for the tip.

I found that PM displayed a warning about the Address Book not being in
sync with the Apple Address Book when I first accessed the shared
database, but Resyncing them solved the problem. However, I only allow PM
to update its own Address Book from the Apple AB and do not allow it to
update information in the Apple's AB. (I have given up on getting the PM
Address Book to sync correctly with the Apple's AB if PM is allowed to
try and update Apple's AB.) Since I use iSync to maintain the same
Address Book and iCal calendars on the two Macs, this was not a problem.
If you have different ABs on the two machines, this use of a shared AB
might cause problems if you sync the PM Address Book with Apple's.

BTW, have other list members experienced a two-week lul in messages from
the PM list?
Mark Smith, Osaka, Japan.

At 6:24 PM on Thu, Jan 29, 2004, Marlyse Comte wrote:

>now THAT sounds even simpler ;-)
>--------------- former message(s) quotes: ----------------
>>On 30 1 2004 at 6:56 pm -0500, Mark Smith wrote:
>>>Has anybody here
>>>succeeded in setting up PM so that the same database is used by two
>>>different Macs?
>>Sure: network the two Macs, launch PM on the one you wish to use at the
>>time, and use Switch User Environment to load up the database wherever it
>>is (locally or remotely).  Couldn't be simpler.
>>I'm sure that I've done this in the past (not recently however).  Does it
>>not work for you?

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