Richard, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

>The way I keep my mail up on more than one computer is...
>Set the delete messages from server date far enough out
>that I collect copies on all my computers by checking
>for new mail before they are deleted.

I couldn't use this method for several of my accounts because of
PowerMail insists for some reason to keep redownloading the same messages
if I check it again from the same source, resulting in myriads of
duplicate messages.
So I delete messages when I have downloaded them, rendering then
unaccesible for other instances of PowerMail that I might want to use.

Otherwise, if one lacks my problem, which by the way is not present on
every account, your method is fine. But it would be easy to miss out one
of the instances of the PM DB, if you break your routines once in a while.

PM 4.2.1 | OS X 10.2.6 | Powerbook G3/266 | 256 MB RAM | 20 GB HD

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