>that doesn't mean for a second that I shouldn't be able to do the best I 
>can to try to offer them something, that should they want to print it, will 
>look like anything less than the best that I can offer them. 

Tass, that's why we have PDFs.  If you're that concerned about the
appearance of what you're doing, send people PDFs attached to a mail.

If you're attempting to use e-mail to create professional-looking
business documents, you're going to be pounding your head against the
wall for years to come.  That's simply not what it's for, any more than
the telephone is for listening to Beethoven symphonies.

Michael Lewis has made some very good points.  I get lots of really ugly,
hard to read mail from people (customers) ironically because they have
tried to make it look good.


Scott T. Hards
HobbyLink Japan (www.hlj.com)

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