On 11/24/03 1:38 AM tass wrote:

>Yes, of course I put in my own returns.  That's proper typing; 
>whether on paper, in a computer window, or so it might be printed 
>at the other end.  To do otherwise is, I'm sorry to say, a laziness 
>induced by word processing programs that do the job for you, if 
>you let it.  But it had never made it proper.  

Yes, putting in your own returns was proper on a typewriter; you couldn't
do it any other way. I am old enough to remember those days. You might
have to retype a whole page, or even several pages, in order to add a
comma or change a word. I'd like to have 10 cents for every minute I
spent figuring out how to make a correction that would avoid all that --
I could buy my wife and myself a fine dinner!

I call it "efficiency," not "laziness." 

In a way, I suppose word processing programs have made us lazy.
Corrections are so easy now, I don't think through my wording as
carefully as I once had to. I wore out a lot of pencils making drafts
back then.

Leonard Morgenstern

People like me like me.
--An example of why direct computer translation won't ever work.

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