Jérôme and C. A. Niemiec,

Launching the PowerMail first aid and checking the options below WORKED
LIKE A CHARM!  Thanks so much for taking the time to help me out.  My
email life is back in business.

Thank you,


>>Please help.  I have this error box that I can't eliminate:
>>Unexpected error on "gctechgroup.com"
>>Class=MAS, what=4, when=4, err=0
>Launch PowerMail while pressing the command and option keys, and check
>the "Temporary disable scheduled connections" and "purge outgoing queue"
>checkboxes. Then Check the waiting messages in your out tray (they should
>have been changed to draft) : one probably include an attachment that you
>have deleted or moved.
>Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering
>   "PowerMail est le seul logiciel de mail que je connaisse qui soit aussi
>    bien que Mail et Outlook réunis ET qui ne crée pas des clients captifs.
>    Je suis étonné que personne sur MacGénération, où tout le monde semble
>    défendre la liberté d'agir face au(x) monopole(s), n'ait mentionné que
>    cette qualité-là est une nécessité qui devrait aller de soi."
>  PowerMail user comment on www.macgeneration.com
>         Download a demo version from www.ctmdev.com

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