>On 8/24/03 10:17 PM Marlyse Comte wrote:
>>still doesn't work - meaning what exactly? getting no results? no search
>>window opening? which type of search exactly are you trying to achieve?
>>do you have a folder or a single message selected before beginning a search?
>>------------------------original message(s) follows------------------------
>As I mentioned in a message that probably crossed yours, searching on a
>word gives me an instant "No item found" even when I know the word is
>common, for example, "that." Other searches seem OK.
>I have tried searching with messages selected or no messages selected;
>still no change.
>Also, as I mentioned before, this is a fairly new problem. I can't relate
>it to anything particular, since I don't do searches very often, but I
>first noticed it a couple of days ago.
>I thank all of you who are trying to help!

I have exatly the same problem with the last version.
In the menu 'research in messages', in the submenu with ' subject, from,
to, etc.', when you select one of the 6 firts , the research'll fail.
If I don't make a selection in theze 6th first, it'll be right ...

Jean de Crombrugghe
Belgium    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    AIM: jean1dc
--- ? ---
"Ce que j'exècre le plus, c'est la suffisance, qu'elle soit
intellectuelle, temporelle, morale ou religieuse.
Elle tend à imposer, à mépriser, et ne permet pas de se remettre en
question ..."

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