we need to step back and take it one by one - because I do not have the
option to do a search on 'any field' and thus think that we might not
talk about the exact same stuff.

a) when you do a search - how do you invoke the search dialog box? via
the menu bar or with cmd-f ?
b) when the 'search messages' window is open, what do you select from the
first popup? what from the second?
c) which criteria do you select (from the popup)?
d) do you enter a full search string or just a word?


-------------------------former message(s) quotes:-------------------------
>>As Scott reminded, are you still having the problem with 4.2b6?
>Yes. I have installed 4.2b6 and rebuilt the database and the index.
>Searching for a word in any field still gives me an instant "No item
>found" message, but searches on date, etc. seem to work fine.

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