Mirko Kranenburg [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 8/18/03 at 5:51 stated: 

>That brings me to a question that I have lingereing for a while now:
>Modern incarnations of Stuffit all have the capability of creating
>Could we implement an option to use Zip alongside of Sit? It makes it a
>lot easier to communicate directly from withing PM.

Just as an FYI, there are two versions of the PC ZIP format currently
fighting it out. There was a really good article about the issues and
problems created by this in a recent CNET article. If I can find the
article, I'll post the link.


"I could tell you a million stories, I could cost you your beliefs. But,
I've never stolen from a honest man, 'cause I'm the prince of thieves. "
-- Prince of Theives: Walking Wounded

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