On   Tuesday, April 1, 2003 at 6:41 PM,   Rick Lecoat   sent forth:

>Neither of these 2 folders have any unread messages in them, yet persist
>in indicating that they do. I've tried a database rebuild, both basic and
>low level, using PM's own repair features, but it has made no difference.
>I don't want these two folders permanently bold, what can I do? Maybe
>this is one for CTM to chime in on?

Hi Rick,

You don't mention if you've tried something even more basic, marking all
as read:
    select the folder (or all of its contents)
    control-click (or right-click if you've a two button mouse)
    select "Mark as Read"

That might be enough to reset the flag for the folder(s) in question.

Tim Lapin

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