I am not the expert you seek, but with the right disc utility you may
have been able to recover some data if you had only erased it since the
computer believes the memory space is free, but data is still written
there.  With initialization I think you set bits to zero which may really
prevent you from a recovery.

If what you nuked was something you really need you might try a service
company like <http://www.drivesavers.com/>.  I've seen them on TechTV and
they certainly seem to be able to work some magic.  I have no idea what
it would cost...  can't hurt to call.

Good luck!


When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

  - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

on Tue, 25 Mar 2003 02:03:40 +0100 / Max Gossell said: 

>Once again, this has nothing to do with Power Mail:
>It's extremely embarrassing, but I've managed to erase some 50 Gb of data
>and software from a hard disk. I had a 120 Mb disk drive with two
>partitions, one small 1 GB for a Classic OS and then the rest for data. I
>moved it to an old 6500 Mac, and it refused to run Mac OS 9.2, although
>it accepted Max OS 9.1. But I couldn't install v9.1 on the v9.2 volume so
>I though I just reinitialize the small 1 GB volume and install v9.1 on a
>empty volume.
>When reinitializing, I got the usual warning about everything would be
>erased, but I thought it concerned the 1 Gb volume only. Then the whole
>hard disk was erased!! 
>I feel so stupid and I'm in complete despair and wonder if some tech
>magician out there would be kind enough to advise me about what to do. I
>mean -- the data can be recovered...? Or can't it.....?   :-(
>Max G

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