Jonathan Greene [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 3/22/03 at 8:29 AM stated: 

>You should add it to your scripts menu, then from PM just select it. 
>That is what I did, but it added the caption to all my signatures...
>It would be nice to selectively add it to opposed to all
>sigs.  Plus choose when to add it.

Look for this section in the script:
tell application "PowerMail"
        set OriginalSigs to text signatures
        repeat with i from 1 to (count of OriginalSigs)
                set tempName to name of (item i of OriginalSigs)
                if tempName does not contain "XXXXXX" then
                        set changeName to true
                        set changeName to false
                end if

XXXXXX should be the name or names of the signature(s) that you DON'T
want changed. 


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- Mark Twain

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