
well said.

I miss this function since I started with PM and I like the
implementation of the function in Eudora.
I have a button to add it to the current message and I have a button to
send one if it is requested.

This function is quite often used in the communication with banks, layers
etc. and these people tend to be annoyed, if they don't get one. These
people also don't care for RFCs (return requests are not a part of these)
or Netiquette. They just want to have the feature.

BTW, same is valid for the priority flag.

All the Best

Matthias Schmidt



Am/on: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 02:36:46 +0100 schrieb/wrote: Mikke Byström:

>Marlyse Comte said:
>>I definitely would not want such a 'flag' - I think it is my privacy to
>>receive and read or not read something, it is not the other parties
>>business - especially not if I think of all those Spammers out there,
>>just wanting to get an email address verified.
>>So yes, I also think this would be against Nettiquette (next to eating
>>bandwidth etc.).
>I feel you're assuming too much here. A receipt function could very well
>let the user maintain control over to whom such is sent. The logic could
>be: "If sender is in Workgroup XXZ, then check for return-receipt header.
>If such is found prepare receipt and add to que."
>So if a spammer or anyone not in Workgroup XXZ send such a mail, the
>receipt header would be ignored.
>>My way of handling email is that if an email does not come back as
>>'undeliverable' to assume it arrived. Then give and take as with any
>>(postal) mail and knock again if not heard back :)
>This may work for you and me in 99% of the cases, but for others with
>another work model it may not be enough. Don't judge other people with
>yourself as the standard.

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