I tried the Quickeys route, but unfortunately Menu-selection doesn't seem
to work for Powermail from Quickeys, unlike other apps.
I was not able to get it done (but operator-bug certainly not unlikely


> Received from: John Hay
> At: 3:30 pm (GMT) on Mon, Feb 24, 2003
>>Does anyone know if there's an easy way, or any way, to add some kind of
>>a tool button or a shortcut somehow which would require only _one_ mouse
>>click in order to invoke the SpamSieve Scripts in the Scripts drop-down
>>menu of PM?
>>I know this sounds ridiculous but having to make _two_  mouse clicks
>>every time I want to train SpamSieve about my junk mail it's a hassle to
>>have to use the menu and manually click twice to get to the right item.
>  ;-))
> I'd guess that the only way would be a 3rd party add-on that lets you
> assign keyboard shortcuts to anything that you like, something like
> QuickKeys (?)
> There's no way to add buttons to the toolbar that I know of, although I
> wish there was (one of the things that I missed when I first ditched
> Eudora for PM a couple of years back was the customisable toolbar that
> Eudora had).
> Hope this helps;
> Rick
> -----------
> G4/500 MHz (DP)  ::  OS 10.2.4  ::  PM 4.1.2  ::  3 pane mode  ::  768 MB
> <www.sharkattack.co.uk>

Mirko Kranenburg

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