Michael Tsai / 2007/03/17 / 12:20 PM wrote:

>Do you receive legitimate messages from your own address? SpamSieve  
>has an option called "Exclude my address":
>so that your name can be in the address book, but it will look at the  
>contents of the messages rather than assuming that they're good  
>because of the address.

Hi Michael,
Thanks for your quick response as always.  To answer your question, yes,
when I am in doubt one of my servers is down, I send a test message to
that account from another account to see when the server comes back.  I
wish PM had a silent logging feature! :-)

Anyway, the above link sez:
"Enable this option so that spam messages with your own return address
are not marked as good."
Which is a bit confusing.  "Exclude my address" from what?  I have this
option enabled.

By the way, I am not using Apple Address Book for PM.  I have so many
phone-only entries in Apple Address Book which I don't need in PM, and I
have so many email only entries in PM as well.  In your help page above:
"The easiest way to add your addresses to the "Me" card is to open your
mail program and then use SpamSieve's Update Address Book "Me" Card command."
I just did that, and I see all 26 addresses are added to Apple Address
Book, not PM's.  I don't see any 'Me' card in PM's address book.  Is
this the problem?


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
<http://a-no-ne.com> <http://anonemusic.com>

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