Am/On Mon, 20 Aug 2007 07:22:04 -0500 schrieb/wrote MLJames:

>I downloaded the 30 day trial of PowerMail. I successfully imported 
>addresses but I am confused about importing messages. 
>The manual states" 
>1. Using PowerMail's Apple Event based direct import facility: This the 
>most obvious method to import messages: the PowerMail team spent over 
>five weeks writing and tuning this code; Select Import in the File / 
>Database submenu, then choose "Migration from Claris Emailer". Click the 
>right arrow button, and select your Emailer application. Unlike other 
>import methods, you will not be prompted to select a file to import but a 
>Claris Emailer application instead that will be used to extract the data. 
>PowerMail attempts to locate this application automatically, but you may 
>have to select it yourself if you have more than one copy installed. Be 
>sure to select a copy of Emailer version 2.0v3 and not version 1.1, since 
>the latter is unable to export. When this is done, click the "Go Ahead" 
>I do not see the "Migration from Claris Emailer" option in the pop up 
>menu.   Why not?

if memory serves me right, this option was abandoned with v5.
So you might want to try v4 or 3, which imho still can be downloaded.
Once you created your PowerMail database you can update to the current

Thanks and all the best


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