On Mon, 20 Aug 2007 14:56:10 -0500, "MLJames" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
appears to have written:
>>Hi Mary Lou,
>>I am using the current version of PowerMail 5.5.3 and it DOES still have
>>an "Import from Claris Emailer" feature. Pull File Menu to "Database" to
>>"Import". Next screen asks for the location of your Emailer application,
>>and your choice of address book, messages, or both. 
>>PowerMail demo only allows a limited number of emails. 200, if I
>>remember correctly. So don't even try to import all your CE Emails into
>>the PM Demo. Maybe just 1 folder of a few emails, just to see it work. 
>>In my experience, the PowerMail import from Claris Emailer worked (via
>>applescript through OSX/OS9 classic barrier), but not very well for 7
>>years of heavy CE email usage (no doubt with some db corruption). If you
>>have a lot of email, I would definitely recommend EmailChemy to do the
>>migration- it's a lot better and faster. I'm surprised that CTMDev
>>doesn't offer it as a bundle. 
>>Hope this helps.
>> Dave Nathanson
>> Mac Medix
>Thanks Dave. And yes I do have a lot of e-mail.....since 1995 or so. I 
>have ordered Emailchemy.

I, too, am about to migrate, with reluctance, from Emailer. I bought it 
on Guy Kawasaki's recommendation, if that tells you how long I've been 
using it.

I recall there being discussed a limitation on how many messages you 
could import into or have in your email database with PowerMail. Or maybe 
it was the size of the database that is the limit. I've searched my 
archive of powermail-discuss digests, and can find only a reference to a 
2 GB limitation on database size. I've gots tens of thousands of messages 
in Emailer.

Are there any other limitations I should know about? I'm about to buy 
EmailChemy anyway, since that looks like the way to go. If there are 
limits to what can be imported, I can always go into Emailer and create a 
truncated version of the Emailer database that cuts off at some point in 
the past. Or something.

Also, does EmailChemy import attachments in a decent fashion? I have been 
deleting spam from Emailer for quite some time without deleting the 
attachments, and I'm assuming that orphaned ones will be left behind and 
the good ones (attached to email that I'm importing) will come along 
somehow. Do the attachments use up space in the database?



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