On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 00:35:34 +0900 Paul Collett said:

>Is anyone using Time Machine with Leopard?  How do you find the backups
>work if you have your Powermail folder included?
>I was finding the hourly backups were taking forever - in most cases,
>well over an hour if they even got completed, and generally slowing down
>my computer. After playing around with including and excluding different
>folders it seems Powermail was slowing things down the most; excluding
>the entire Powermail folder from the backup set means Time Machine is
>now working as advertised.  Unfortunately at the expense of getting
>hourly backups of my mail.
>I'm very interested to hear any other experiences here, especially if
>people are getting successful and fast backups of their mail.
>Paul Collett
I am using Time Machine with Leopard and the hourly backups take less
than a minute to complete. I am running PowerMail 24 hours a day. The
only folder I have excluded from the backup in my Boinc folder as I
don't care if that gets lost.

I think you have something else wrong - have you checked your system and
console logs for errors?


Using PowerMail 5.5.3 (SpamSieve 2.6.4) on a G5 dual 1.8MHz, 3 GB RAM,
under MacOSX 10.5

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