On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 10:35:50 +0900 Paul Collett said:

>Nothing in the system and console logs. 
>Less than a minute - nice! On my system, the backups complete with the
>Powermail folder include, but then in the System Preferences Time
>Machine pane it just sits on "preparing" for ever. I tried another
>backup with Powermail added earlier, the backup was successful, but it's
>been preparing now for well over an hour. This doesn't happen if I
>remove Powermail from the backup set, as I said.
The only other thing I can suggest is to look at the Apple discussion
group for Time Machine and see if anyone else is having similar problems.

Good luck.


Using PowerMail 5.5.3 (SpamSieve 2.6.4) on a G5 dual 1.8MHz, 3 GB RAM,
under MacOSX 10.5

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