On Nov 10, 2007, at 10:35 AM, Paul Collett wrote:

Is anyone using Time Machine with Leopard? How do you find the backups
work if you have your Powermail folder included?

I was finding the hourly backups were taking forever - in most cases,
well over an hour if they even got completed, and generally slowing down my computer. After playing around with including and excluding different
folders it seems Powermail was slowing things down the most; excluding
the entire Powermail folder from the backup set means Time Machine is
now working as advertised.  Unfortunately at the expense of getting
hourly backups of my mail.

I'm very interested to hear any other experiences here, especially if
people are getting successful and fast backups of their mail.

Paul Collett

I have asked about this exact issue several times and have never received any answer. The PowerMail "Message Database" is a single file and any change to that means that it's backed up. Same for some of the files in the index.

Being TM-friendly would mean an extensive rewrite of the database mechanism, and I haven't heard any suggestion about that.


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