Am/On Tue, 18 Dec 2007 02:26:00 +0100 schrieb/wrote MB:

>Matthias Schmidt said:
>>What are you for a strange person shouting around here on the list, when
>>people just try to help.
>>Try to switch your brain on before typing.
>>If you need the headers just print the text message.
>You're not helpful at all. The open in the browser "solution" is obvious
>and trivial.
>The objective was to print the HTML message with the headers, not the
>text itself.
>What don't you use your brain yourself and actually read before you try
>and be "helpful"?
>And what's all this "you"? Did I start the thread? I think not. Do I ask
>for your help on this problem? I think not.
>>as long as you shout around no one will write you a script.
>What's the weather like on your planet?
>If you had paid any attention, which you obviously have not, you would
>have understood that I could most likely write it myself if I need such
>a script for myself. Which I don't.
>I was asking for the benefit of all those other people that seems to
>need a real solution for the problem at hand. At least I tried to
>envision something that potentially could solve the problem described.
>I won't repeat the actual problem again here as you most likely prefer
>denial of what it really was Dave asked for.

so you want to start a flame war here?

could someone please take this annoying guy off the list.
I'll put him meanwhile on my blocking list.



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