Bill Lane sez:

>Sorry to say, I also switched from PowerMail to Thunderbird last year, 
>because of the lack of support in PowerMail for imap (slow and 
>crash-prone) and html (extra keystrokes to read an ever-increasing 
>amount of mail).

Oddly enough major selling points to me for Powermail were that it did
do IMAP and did not do HTML. I've had a lot less call for IMAP in the
last couple of years due to it being less of an option by providers
(Apple and some corporate nets use it; a few others). But I still have
little use for HTML mail since 99% of it is spam for me.

I haven't reached the 2GB limitation, but I can see where that can be a
problem for some folks and find that to be much more of an issue than
IMAP and HTML -- specifically HTML.

I haven't left any messages at MacWorld because I'm not registered there
and don't want to. I've got enough registrations to worry about. I've
reached my personal 2GB limit on what I want to register to read or post
to. If I can use BugMeNot.Com to read and sometimes post, I do that.

Michael Lewis
Off Balance Productions

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