On   Sunday, June 15, 2008,   Kjell Olausson   sent forth:

>Bill Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>More and more e-mail is in html format.  Hardcore PowerMail users say
>>they don't want to be bothered with this mail, that most of it is spam
>>anyway, but that's not true in my community.  When html mail arrives,
>>PowerMail wants you to make a choice... open your web browser to read
>>it, download the images, or read it as plain text (which sometimes turns
>>out to be a blank screen).  Other mail programs assume you want to read
>>it, unless it's spam.  What's more, the procedure for forwarding an html
>>message is even more complicated than simply reading it, as others have
>>been discussing on this list.  A few extra keystrokes for each and every
>>bit of html mail adds up to a big waste of time for users who don't want
>>to try to stem the tide of html mail by ignoring it.
>Well, I read html mail in PM without any keystrokes. It's just a setting
>in the preferences.

While I too prefer plain text e-mail I agree that more and more
"legitimate" e-mail is now in HTML format.  Unfortunately, PM doesn't
really know what to do with it.  Such e-mail might be readable in plain
text but it also might result in a blank page.  Extra steps are required
to view this message by then having to invoke your browser.  I am no
longer sure I view this as a positive.

Links and other actionable items in e-mail are another issue.  Sometimes
you have to double click to get the links to work in HTML e-mail.  Other
times you can CMD-click or CTRL-click (I forget which).  Still other
times the links aren't functional at all.

In short, HTML e-mail is still a problem which is treated inconsistently.

Version 6 will have to reconcile HTML e-mail once and for all, I think.

Tim Lapin
Intel iMac    OS 10.4.11    PowerMail 5.6.1     1 GB RAM     250 GB HD

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