On   Saturday, June 21, 2008,   MB   sent forth:

>Sean McBride said:
>>Did you look at his screenshots?  There was an attachment.  That's his
>>point.  I'll repeat his words: "PowerMail shows me a totally blank
>>message with a html attachment, with
>>no provision for viewing the message. It's just blank. Lame."  There's
>>no globe icon to 'view as html'.  The email had _two italicised words_
>>and for that PowerMail needs to launch a 3rd Party application to show
>>the message.  Lame.  This happens to me all the time too.
>This happens from time to time since a long time. I've started working
>on a script for integrating the attached HTML in the message, but ran
>into some issues. I plan to finsih it when I got the time. Also, it
>would be better if CTM let PM do the same thing automatically instead of
>a us having to use a script.
>Depending on the cause and widespread adoption of non-standard email, I
>think it's not to much to ask from PM to be able to handle erroneous
>incoming email and in some cases allow corrections to be made.

Just received such a piece of e-mail from Sophos, of all people.  For
the record, Thunderbird (PC) had no problems with it although it did
initially block the images for security reasons.  I unblocked them and
the full message displayed.

PowerMail, on the other hand, gave me the blank page page with an HTML
attachment.  Most of my other HTML messages display automatically as I
have the reader enabled with the HTML preference AND the autodownload of
pictures both enabled.  Funny thing is, some e-mail, notably Apple's,
won't show me the images unless I then manually download them.

Conclusion:  the behaviour is definitely not universal and is specific
to both the message and the e-mail client.  We need some work done here, guys.

Tim Lapin
Intel iMac    OS 10.4.11    PowerMail 5.6.1     1 GB RAM     250 GB HD

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